Detailed Age Information for People Born in 1997
If you were born in 1997, your current age depends on which month you were born in. Here's a detailed breakdown:
- If you were born between January and March 1997, you are 27 years old in 2024
- If you were born between April and December 1997, you are 26 years old in 2024
Fun Facts About Being Born in 1997
People born in 1997 are:
- Part of Generation Z
- Chinese Zodiac Sign:
- If born before February 7, 1997: Year of the Rat (鼠)
- If born on or after February 7, 1997: Year of the Ox (牛)
- Came into the world when the internet was just becoming mainstream
Frequently Asked Questions
What zodiac sign am I if I was born in 1997?
Your zodiac sign depends on your birth month:
- January 1-19: Capricorn
- January 20-February 18: Aquarius
- February 19-March 20: Pisces
- March 21-April 19: Aries
- April 20-May 20: Taurus
- May 21-June 20: Gemini
- June 21-July 22: Cancer
- July 23-August 22: Leo
- August 23-September 22: Virgo
- September 23-October 22: Libra
- October 23-November 21: Scorpio
- November 22-December 21: Sagittarius
- December 22-31: Capricorn
What is my Chinese Zodiac sign if I was born in 1997?
Your Chinese Zodiac sign depends on the Lunar New Year date in 1997:
- If you were born before February 7, 1997: You are a Rat (鼠), as you were born in the Chinese Year of the Rat
- If you were born on or after February 7, 1997: You are an Ox (牛), as you were born in the Chinese Year of the Ox
Note: Chinese Zodiac years follow the Lunar calendar, with the New Year typically falling between late January and mid-February of the Gregorian calendar.